Saturday, December 8, 2018

Karen Chamberlain - Maggie Flanigan Studio Staff

How Actors Can Sustain Their Careers I was recently asked to speak about how one sustains a career as an artist. It’s an enormous question that has no single answer. I believe it requires dedicated training, passion, fortitude and the courage to say “Yes” to artistic projects that excite you even when you don’t know how you will possibly afford to do them. It demands belief in oneself, personal health and committing to practices that keep your heart open to the world. I believe that it also asks you to not be rigid about how the art in you expresses itself. You may be an actor now but you may also be a writer, a painter or a director. The expression of what you have to offer the world may have more than one venue. "To sustain a career in the arts, you have to stay in love with doing the work for the work itself and free yourself from the expectations of the where, when and how of it." Karen Chamberlain Acting Teacher, Faculty Maggie Flanigan Studio 153 W 27th St #803 New York, New York 10001 +1 917-789-1599

via Karen Chamberlain - Maggie Flanigan Studio Staff
by Maggie Flanigan

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