Saturday, April 20, 2019

Summer Acting Program - Maggie Flanigan Studio 02

Summer Acting Program - Maggie Flanigan Studio 02 Q: What have you felt the biggest difference was, compared to your training, your BFA program to the training you just went through these past six weeks? My training here has been a lot more intense. It's not that my BFA isn't taken seriously, but the intensity is a lot different. There's a higher expectation and therefore gives me a more desire to grow and to work even harder. Q: There are a lot of summer-intensive programs, a lot of Meisner Summer Intensive programs, especially in Manhattan. Why did you decide to come to Maggie Flanigan Studio? I chose Maggie Flanigan because when I was doing the research, the mission statement really aligned with my personal views of what acting is and should be. I had been told that this was the most accurate approach to Meisner that is available, as far as really doing exactly what Meisner intended and being truthful to his work. Q: Yes, a lot of Meisner teachers put their own spin on [crosstalk]. Yes, they're not really Meisner. Q: There, Maggie and Charlie are teaching it exactly [crosstalk]. Which is what I wanted. Q: What have you found to be unique about your experience here? Is there something like-- You're in school taking classes. I'm sure you've been acting before college. What have you found to be unique about the studio? Working with Charlie has been a very unique experience. I've never worked with a teacher who's quite like him, which has been very refreshing. He expects a lot out of his students, which I think is wonderful and he should. It really makes me rise to the occasion. It's been a really interesting and unique experience, just working with someone who cares so passionately about the art and his students. Q: Which class are you in? I'm in the Meisner acting. Q: The morning, afternoon, or evening? I'm in the evening. Q: The evening? Yes. Maggie Flanigan Studio 153 W 27th St #803 New York, New York 10001 +1 917-789-1599

via Summer Acting Program - Maggie Flanigan Studio 02
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